The Magdalena speaks of loving your body, your self…

The Magdalena steps forward to talk specifically about the love of thy body for thy self. One way you can visualize this love moving between your self and your collective of bodies is the infinity symbol… This Channeled Gem was provided by Micki M. Mercurio who...

The Old Has Faded Away!

In a reading with Linda on 2-18-17. EBSS shares Zalishia of the Pleiades and her perspective with us on the current state of politics in the US, disclosure and the RV. Go forth bright one in the anchoring of truth, in the anchoring of love, and the anchoring of peace,...

Archangel Michael speaks of Purity in all forms

On February 15th in a private channeling Linda brought forth Archangel Michael discussing  and reminding us about Purity…purity of water, purity of air, purity of Gaia, and purity of our very souls…   Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael....

Archangel Michael on Current Chaos & Joy

Channelled Gem ~ Joy & Archangel Michael Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. Welcome, my beloved friend of joy. Welcome, my beloved friend of peace and anchor of wonder and anchor of love. Yes, there is great chaos upon...