Heal the Heart of America!

Happy July 4th – Happy Freedom Day! It seems very appropriate to re-post this wonderful message and exercise from St. Germaine: I have spoken to you before of this, of how I have founded and brought my violet flame to this place of creativity, to this place...

Earth’s Creator Race

Jesus Sananda speaks more about Earth and the Gulf of Mexico. “…the formation of a place, a physical experience of such diversity and incredible beauty that the angels would come and play here and know what it was to have a physical experience of Love…the creator...

Emoto Prayer for Water

Today, we invite our World Gratitude family to join together, to leverage our genius and the power of Love to transmute the destructive forces of ignorance,greed and separation that are at play in the Gulf of Mexico … and beyond. 5 years ago, World Gratitude was...

Healing Gaia

This is an audio meditation channeled during a Saturday conference call. Gaia has called to us to nurture and comfort her – please join us in doing that. To listen (about 20 minutes) click...

A Message From Gaia

There has been so much circulated on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that there is great danger in becoming side-tracked into the drama and away from the centeredness of Love. This is a powerful message from Gaia about her needs and desires during this time of...