Let Go, Let Go, Let Go ~ Steve Beckow

A wonderful insight from GAOG and Steve Beckow. When the tsunami of love begins, and we expect it soon, how are we to respond to it? What I’ve been led to believe is that the most important thing to remember to do is to surrender to it. Let’s think about...

Archangel Raphael speaks of our Capacity to Heal…

Who are you and are you willing, are you willing, my brothers and sisters, to truly be who you are in the substantial lineage, in the totality of your energy fields, in your unique place in and on the grid, in and part of the Mother’s plan; are you willing? Suzanne...

Jesus Sananda ~ Who Are you?

In this Saturday conference call we reviewed how to anchor in the 13th Octave and the heart of Gaia; followed by a powerful channeling of Jesus Sananda taking us back to our original essence form. Get comfy, anchor in your heart and enjoy! Place your hands together,...

Universal Mother Mary ~ I Love You!

A beautiful audio channeling from the Divine Mother on the continuing theme of sacred partnerships on this mornings Saturday conference call. I didn’t want to wait for the transcript for everyone to hear and experience this precious gift directly from the heart...