If it is not of love, if it is not of kindness, if it is not of balance in any which way, then my guidance and my plea – not merely to you, my brother, but to the entire planet to which this message goes out – is to regroup, redirect and stay the course.

At the behest of Archangel Michael, Andrew shares this inspiring channelled gem from his personal reading with Linda Dillon.

Archangel Michael: The Key is to Stay the Course of Love

Archangel Michael: Greetings – I am Michael.

Andrew: Oh – greetings Michael!

AAM: Welcome, beloved friend. I come as Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of News. No, I am not about to become a ‘newscaster’, or even a ‘forecaster’ for that matter, although there is petulant weather upon your planet, is there not!

The humans have need and are beginning – and some are even deeply involved in – the re-embrace of truth, of power, of might… of peace and truth. These are the essential qualities of Nova Earth and Nova Being.

It is not merely to embrace what is at hand, or merely what is convenient, for Heaven knows – and most of Earth knows – there is much distraction upon your planet at this time. And the key to shifting during this time of transition is not to be swayed one way or the other, but to stay the course – to stay the course of love.

And if it is not of love, if it is not of kindness, if it is not of balance in any which way, then my guidance and my plea – not merely to you, my brother, but to the entire planet to which this message goes out – is to regroup, redirect and stay the course.

Yes, it is difficult, particularly when you feel that not only is there so much personal need, but there is global… in fact, there is universal need. But so much that is of the light is clearing, and obviously transparent, available. And so it is to these qualities that are uplifting that one must bring their attention and build that paradigm, anchor that truth – and yes, sometimes it means wielding my sword or holding my shield high as telecommunicator!

But this is the work and this is the joy that you and so many, particularly those of the blue ray, have signed up for, volunteered for, been selected for long ago. You did not sign up to sit in the caves, to occupy the back row, particularly not at this time.

My sister Gabrielle and I: It is a clarion call, and it is a call of change, it is a call of discernment – not of war, but of peace.

You have persevered, my dear friend, in the most arduous and difficult of situations – and you have anchored and continue to anchor the deepest meaning of family, of family love and family support, of family nurturing – for there can be no global shift if the ‘up close and personal’ is not of love, is not of compassion and mutuality and unity.

And you have been doing this. Your beloved daughter, and yes, our miracle cat, this ‘triad’… Ellisianna wishes to be included… alright, this ‘diamond’ [laughing] works stupendously. And think of it in this way: why does it work stupendously? Not merely setting a paradigm of survival, which has been difficult, but setting a paradigm of love, of true family? It is the ‘interspecies’. It is our interdimensional feline – because all of you are very preferential to the Hussian way! – and you and your sweet one, your daughter – and Ellisianna representing the star species.

This may at times – and I know it has – feel and look arduous, edging on isolation, and even in moments, abandonment. And yet, regardless, all of you have not only persevered; you have been consistent in holding the vision of Nova Earth, the reality of love – and of living, in dire circumstances, not merely the vision but the practicality of love.

Now many would say, “Well, this is no way to exist,” with which I would agree, by the way. But so many of the human race, of the Gaian race, have lived in such reduced circumstances, regardless of politics, although that is a huge factor of those who wish to abuse control. But they have lived in poverty – some have lived in squalor for generations, some have lived in war for generations – and it is not simply a matter of dreaming of splendour. It has been a dream of survival.

So never underestimate the work that your ‘diamond’ is undertaking, beloved friend.