Put your feet in the water dear heart, throw out your arms and hold on; hold on to each other, hold on to me, hold on to the dolphins and whales, because we are ready…

Greetings, I am Mary. I am Mary, I am Mare’, Universal Mother, Mother of Blue, Mother of Change, Mother of Love, Mother of Constancy, Continuity. Welcome, welcome my beloved ones, welcome to this Council and to this circle of love. Welcome home!

March is a fine month for a Tsunami! Dear hearts, you are being re-calibrated in every moment of every day. The adjustments are infinitesimal to gigantic and you are feeling this in your heart, in your mind, in your emotional field, in your entire field as you begin and perceive your world, our world, the universe, your star brothers and sisters, the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love differently.

Now, how is this different? You have always known that you are my cherished ones; the children of my heart, the unfolders of my plan. The partnership that we have formed eons ago, that you are the strongest and the gentlest, you are the most persistent and the most impatient; you are perfection.

Do not shy away when I use this term; you are perfection! I can not, I do not and I would never choose or desire to birth anything that was not of perfection. And not only sweet angels are you of perfection, the embodiment of perfection; you are the unique expression of your perfection and mine.

What has changed is your realization, your removal of hesitancy, yes, your removal of hesitancy to embrace this perfection, the idea that you are not wanting in any way, shape or form.

The Tsunami of Love has already begun and you have embraced and allowed my clarity and my purity to embed itself within you as you languish in the pink bath. But the waves of my love, of my being, of my ecstasy, of my bliss, of my wholeness, has already begun and yes, my beloved ones, you are the anchor.

Your brothers and sisters, the New You’s, the repatterners of humanity, the regriders of what it means to be human, you are assisting in raising, not only yourselves but humanity to a higher octave, to a new frequency, to a new way of being. And that way of being is not simply gentle acceptance of perfection, it is joy, it is laughter, it is peace, it is celebration, and it is love.

You could not resist the tsunami even if you tried and there is none of you who listen to this on this moment, in this day, that would even try…for you have awaited…this is part of your Ascension, it is a critical element. Put your feet in the water dear heart, throw out your arms and hold on; hold on to each other, hold on to me, hold on to the dolphins and whales, because we are ready. And in the recalibration you are being made…your term would be ‘sturdier’. Plant your feet deep in the sand, open your hearts and receive.

We begin and we begin together hand-in-hand-in-hand, heart-in-heart-in-heart to transform back and forward to the truth of who you really are my beloved ones.

Go with my love. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

Contact the Tsunami Team.