Message of The Day

Beloveds, if you have genuinely fully erased, eradicated these traits, this aggression, then what I am asking of you is monumental so I do not say this in a casual way: “I am asking you to send the love to embrace and heal that aggression in the collective.” El...

Message of The Day

You are the handmaidens of manifestation; you are the bringers of the new; you are the imagination of God in form, on planet. Can you imagine? Hear what I say to thee! Archangel Gabrielle

Message of The Day

Look with your third eye, look with your fourth eye, your fifth eye, your human eyes at the beauty that you are, at the promise of fulfillment that you are. Gaze upon what we see… and I would suggest to you… my vision is perfect! Maitreya

Message of The Day

Yes, we continue to hold Gaia, stabilizing, so that there is not a destabilizing of the planetary axis and poles. We take care of that because we love you, and we love Gaia, and we love this galaxy. Please come and join me; come and join all of us in this celebration...

Message of The Day

Let me give you my Silver Dream! Let me give you and reignite your Silver Flame so that you can see into whatever you are looking at – not just the façade – but the true essence, substance, content and roadmap, feet on the ground, fully present as the beautiful Nova...