Yeshua: This is the time when Love is restored!

On our Saturday call, Yeshua came in to speak of Love, Peace, and Joy. Think of these every day, put your energies into these principles every day so that we can effect the change we want on and for Gaia.   Let’s begin this morning with this wonderful meditation...

Refugees: A Peace Meditation

Today during our Saturday Conference Call, we had an inspiring conversation regarding the Syrian refugee situation and the role that ISIS is playing on the world stage. After much discussion, the group decided to take action, to do our part in helping with those...

Archangel Michael: It is your Harvest; a true Tsunami

When the joining of hearts – whether it is my heart to yours, your heart to another’s, or another’s or another’s or another’s – you are united for eternity. You are unified within your sacred self, and you are unified, bright angels, with each other and unified in...

St. Germaine: Eliminating the war within…

What the focus is right now is on shifting, eliminating…the alchemical elimination of that war within…yes, they reflect in core issues because that has been part and parcel of your war within. So, how do we, together, heal the violence, the rage, the...