Ascension: Release and Fly!!!

This thought provoking piece is shared with us by Steve Beckow. Thank you Steve! The work of Ascension in its simplest form is to complete our issues and emerge, to clear all ties and attachments and open to the wonderful energies that are lifting us up. When we...

St. Germaine: You are our Creators in form!

You my beloved friends are mighty creators and you create in every moment of every day. It is the very nature of your being because you are patterned upon the infinite creator, the eternal creator, the Mother. Steve Good Evening Linda, though we’re prerecording and...

Archangel Uriel: The future is yours and it is now!

On our Saturday conference call, Archangel Uriel declares: “I place within the center of your palm my Silver Flame, and I put it in your right hand because you will give and you will share this with many. But, make no mistake my beloved friends; this gift of my...

The Sacred Nature of Family

On our Saturday Conference Call today, Universal Mother re-gifted us with her Blue Diamond along with more Clarity, Purity, and Grace. Listen in or read below her message to you and feel her anchor her gifts into your sacred heart… Meditation: We are going to...