The time for underestimating your beloved self is over. And what that means is the time of stepping in the shadows, of thinking that you are undercover, is also over. Each of you carry divine might. The biggest revelation yet to come is when you look at each other and accept each other for who you are; the truth and the wholeness of your beings….

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all. Welcome to another An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening. Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the website Golden Age of Gaia ( ) and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone. I’m Geoffrey West sitting in for GD this evening.

We welcome in the Divine Mother as guest for the show today, and she will be sharing a little bit of information with Ascension and perhaps looking at some of the mysteries related to life. And with that, I will turn it over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Geoff. And welcome, Divine Mother. It’s always… I can’t think of a greater privilege or honor in life than to speak to you.

Divine Mother: And welcome to you. Welcome to all of you, beloved beings of Earth, of air, of far beyond. For what you do not always understand is how far this show is transmitted, and how many are truly listening in. And so I send the greetings to all, to those who listen furtively, to those who listen in hope, to those who listen in curiosity, and of course those who listen in love. I bring you, I give you, my love this day. Your motivation does not truly matter, because, dear hearts, what you have done is position yourself, whatever your conscious mind thought of, you have positioned yourself to receive my love, my blessings, and the insights that I wish to share with you.

Now, we could allow the music to play and the love would stream as strong as it will if I speak, but I also know, sweet angels and masters of Earth, that there are curiosities and understandings that you wish to glean as you go forward on your bright journey, not only of Ascension — although I must say that is pivotal — but on your journey homeward, to me, to us, to our arms and to our essence.

Now, one of the things I wish to speak of this day relates to Universal Law. And what does Universal Law mean except the truth that I have shared with thee, that has been laid down in the very beginning that you might understand how to journey home?

Now, there is much written and much discussion about this Universal Law, but there is not enough written or discussed about dispensation. And what does that mean? It is simply allowance, and in your terminology it is a quality, a divine quality of forgiveness, of allowance, of compassion and our mercy.

Many of you, my bright children, carry this burden of what you believe you have or have not done, of promises that you have or have not kept, of missions fulfilled or not. And there is this underlying feeling in so many of your hearts, and that is what I wish to address this day — the underlying feeling of judgment, of “Did I measure up? Did I fulfill my promise?”

We are not sitting here idly measuring your progress or the fulfillment of your mission. Are we assisting with the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, your brothers and sisters of the stars, masters, angels, archangels? Yes, we are. Beloved child, never, never do we point to an action, a thought, a behavior, and say, “Well, that is a shortcoming. That did not measure up. That is not what I asked for.” For what I asked for, dear hearts, was for you to practice free will. What did I ask for? For you to be of love. What I have asked for was for you to love yourselves and each other as much as I love you.

So, how does this relate to dispensation? There are times — and this is one of them in your collective reality — where dispensation for what you feel has gone awry is requested and granted, always, in order that you feel free to continue on because so many of you are concerned that you will not make it. And that is simply not my plan or yours. So turn to me. I am not simply distant; I am infinitely and eternally present. Ask for help, and it will always, always be granted. Ask for compassion and forgiveness, not that it needs to be granted, but the reassurance does.

Many of you have become reassured or confused, and it is about a 50-50 split, about, oh, there are masters on Earth, there are angels on Earth, there are archangels on Earth, and who am I, and how do I fit in? My beloveds, you fit in perfectly, because who do you think these masters and angels and archangels and seraphs are? They are you, either a part of you or the totality of you. The time for underestimating your beloved self is over. And what that means is the time of stepping in the shadows, of thinking that you are under cover, is also over. Each of you carry divine might.

How seldom have we spoken of this. But it is not your next-door neighbor or the person down the street, or the leader in Ottawa or Washington or Geneva that carries might. It is each and every one of you. It is not dependent on the assumption of your crystalline form. It is not dependent upon the full activation of your DNA. It is not dependent even on the fullness of your Ascension. Your divine might is part and parcel of who you are, and always have been, in your moment of now, and the eternal now.

And I am asking you, as your mother, to bring this forward and to declare yourselves. As you do, you give permission to all beings to declare themselves. It is a domino, a ripple effect throughout the multiverse. But it is the humble person that is not invested in what you think of as 3rd dimensional glory which translates as money and power and greed and control. It is the humble person who steps forward and says, “I am mighty because I am of One, and I declare myself on this journey through Ascension, gloriously and freely.” And then continuing on back to One, declare your knowing, your determination, your valor and your truth. Meekness and humility are admirable and necessary, but that does not mean that you never open your mouth. You have been given magnificent voices. Use them.

Now, dear heart, where do you wish to begin this day?

SB: Well, thank you, Mother. And of course I can vouch for experiencing within myself a constant unfolding of personal spiritual power. So I certainly do resonate with what you’re saying.

Mother, can we continue along with the topic that you’ve broached? And let me say that Archangel Michael, in a recent private conversation, talked about there being emanations on the planet, emanations of archangels, seraphim and elohim. And, again, everything has been a progressive revelation, and this is a new revelation. Can you tell us what is meant by the emanation of an archangel, how it differs from a twin flame, how many emanations an archangel might have on the planet? Can you go into some detail on that, please?

DM: I would be pleased to. Now, let us begin by making sure — because we are speaking in human language, and there is still a tendency for you to judge that something is greater or lesser — you are not completely and I do not mean you individually, Steve; I mean you, all of you — do not see this as an equal playing field as yet. You are getting there, and that is why I have asked you to turn to me.

Now, each of you, in your humanness, in what you are anchored in in this reality that you are occupying, have many aspects. Now, some of you have explored these aspects, and some of you have totally ignored them. Well, that will change.

Similarly, archangels…oh, and many; all, really…have ways in which to present emanations in various realities, either for a very brief period of time or for an extended period of time. Now, when I say “a brief period of time,” for example, there are those — many! — of you upon the planet who have been visited either by an emanation of my being or Archangel Gabrielle or Michael or Jesus Sananda, and so on. Those are brief projections into a quasi-physical or physical, full physical, form in order for you to have that blessing, because regardless of the message, it is always a blessing.

Then there are times when the unfoldment of the plan either calls for or allows for emanations — let us use the emanation of an archangel — to be present upon the planet. Now, this is not what you think of as business as usual. It is sacred and it is unusual. Beloved ones, you are living in unusual times! And that is why I am asking each of you who listen to me this night, even as we speak, to go within your heart and to see what lies within there.

Now, each of you individually know or have discerned, simply through magnetics, who you are attuned with, whether your allegiance is to me or to the Father, to the Buddha or Maitreya, Kuthumi, Yeshua; each of you knows your allegiance and who you connect most deeply with. Now, does that mean that you are a direct emanation of that being? No. Because there are situations where the legions that serve and work together are absolutely necessary, desirable. It is part of the celebration! It is part of the diversity and the beauty of what is being created.

So it has never been my intention to have half the planet be emanations say, of Michael. Even with Michael, that would be boring. And it would not allow for the beauty of your magnificence to shine through. But having said that in this time and space, there are individuals who are emanations — think of it… emanation, you can think of as replica. It is stronger than an aspect, because an aspect is only a piece of you that you have sent out from your sacred self to do this or that. An emanation is the fullness of the energy, sometimes conscious of that, sometimes not, sometimes in-between and that is where many of you are. So, an emanation is the presence of that being in form during this time of Ascension, transition, of the birthing of a new Earth, to assist, to help, to guide, to teach, to heal.

Now, your question to me is, “Are there millions of emanations?” And my answer, sweet one, is no, there are not. They are very specifically placed in what you would think of as universal or global roles, and they are positioned to do the work that the specific archangel or master has chosen to do, decided to do, committed to do — for me — throughout eternity, or until such time as they return, in which case they will begin again, regardless.

SB: Now, Mother, you have just referred to you bringing them back. You’ve just referred to mergence have you not, or union? And you’re saying that after they return in union, they go back out into the world. Is that correct?

DM: Yes. If they so choose, yes. Now, is it in the timeline that human beings tend to think of? No. But eventually there is re-emergence.

SB: Can I… just have one more question on emanations, and then I would like to know from you, after that, what other surprises there might be about who is here. So…excuse me…and I should also add that Linda has said that she is experiencing a little hoarseness of voice as well, so please be aware of that.

So, my last question on emanations is, Archangel Michael said that the emanation may not be aware that they are an emanation, that they’re carrying on in a certain way, and then they will be aware of being an emanation, and at that point their capabilities will return. Could you just give us a little more detail on that aspect of this subject, please?

DM: One of the divine agreements — and you have need to understand this as well, and it is not simply true for the emanations, it is true for human beings who make the choice to awaken and become fully conscious of who they are— that there will be the restoration, what you can think of as the upliftment — but yes, for those that are emanations, there will be a moment of awakening as well. That is part of the divine agreement.

And it is part of the divine agreement that we have with humanity at this time that was always in place for the emanations. The agreement for humanity is a more recent agreement, shall we say, that has been reached as part of the collective Ascension decision. But let us stick with emanations. Now, for some of the emanations, the twins — but they are not simply twins; it is not that Archangel Michael, using that example, has fissioned himself. It is a replica.

Now, you have had discussions with your star brothers and sisters about replicators, so simply know that in the divine realm we do not need any toys or machineries; it is simply done as an act of Divine Will.

There is a point at which many of the emanations are awakening quietly. They have become [chuckle] shall we say suspicious, or curious. They feel that there is something hidden behind their curtain or veil, that they are aware of but are not quite grasping. But the moment will come when that curiosity will simply be like a light switch, and the awareness will be turned on. And in that awareness, while in human form, the qualities of the being will come to the forward motion and movement, demonstration, consciousness of the being. And the fulfillment of the entire purpose of having an emanation on planet will be fulfilled.

Now, that is not to say — let me be very crystal clear with you — that is not to say that the emanations have not been fulfilling exactly their divine purpose on Earth to date. Because it has been… it is sequential. Yes, even we understand sequential, dear hearts.

If you, 30 years ago, 20 years ago, have said — again, I use the example of my sweet Michael — if you had said, “I am an emanation of Michael,” well, dear heart, they would have locked you up. So this using the human part of the being to lay the foundation, to lay the groundwork, to do the work in subtle and unknown, or shall we say unperceived, ways have been very fruitful. And it doesn’t matter if you are thinking you are an emanation or you are simply who you have always been, because, let me assure you, there is not any being, human or otherwise, upon the planet, that is not loved and cherished and valued and nourished equally by us. So, you have need, as you adjust your thinking to the realization that there are many among you, but you are also among them.

The fulfillment of my plan is inevitable. Yes, we are constantly changing, and we are changing, and we are constant, and we are in continuity. But the fulfillment of the plan — has it taken some twists and turns? Yes. And you were just thinking in terms of your really quite short journey. But this will be done.

When I have asked you to request dispensation, which you will think of as forgiveness or compassion or assistance, I have done so so that you will move forward in the recognition of who you are. There has already been and is in process a granting of karmic dispensation, but there has also been mighty dispensation for the human collective during this period of transition.

Michael has spoken to thee, as have many, of containment. And that is a very restrictive form of dispensation. Because, what is it? Someone is put in a light box surrounded by love until they regenerate. But I also say to thee, my children of Gaia, all of you have been in a period of dispensation, of containment in the mildest way, to assist you in the recognition of your divinity and the choice for love. You have been given, each of you, and those of you who never heard my voice, each of you has been touched in the heart; the heart consciousness has been activated and awakened.

Now, do some continue to ignore that? Well, that is the choice that they are granted. But the awakening, so that the choice can be made from a place of love, has been completed.

So yes, dear heart, Steve, of course you feel a growing sense of love, of power, and in moments of disconnection, because you are connecting, or reconnecting, to a new and different and what you human beings have called ‘higher realm’. But it feels familiar, because it is who you have always been. And it does not matter if you think that you are a murderer, a controller, a greedy individual, a rapist, that is an illusion; it is not who you are. Allow the heart awakening to fill you, allow my grace and my love to fill you, because now is the time.

I do not ask you to do this in your reality, in your time next year or perhaps when you get to it. I am asking each of you, right now, in this moment, to not only accept my love but the truth of who you are. Stop the hesitation. Stop the confusion. It is not of truth, and it is not you.

Do not cling to the old. It will not support you. Let me be very clear. In the unfoldment of my plan, the old 3rd cannot and will not support you. It is time to allow yourselves the freedom. It is not conceit. It is not boastful. It is not pride — false pride. It is the mere acceptance that you are mine and I am yours.

And it is a reminder, dear hearts — you have promised to do this. So I am helping you fulfill that promise, so that you will not fall into that illusion of disappointment. Can you imagine, in any dimension or reality, that I would ever turn to you, as your mother, as the One, as the movement, as the silence, would I ever turn and express disappointment in you? That would be to express disappointment in myself, in the Father, and that is not possible.

Let go of the old way of creating and bring forth the truth of what you are capable of birthing within yourself, within your community, your families, and upon Gaia. Birth the new reality and relationship with your star brothers and sisters, as they do with you. Simply allow your vibration to rise.

Now, can you be amazed, surprised, delighted? Yes. But come with me now.

Yes, you may continue, dear one.

SB: Thank you, Mother, for that detailed discussion.

The… our work as lightworkers has been a progressive revelation. At one point we learned that we were lightworkers. At another point, we learned that we were starseeds. At another point, we heard that we were angels and assumed that meant that we were once angels, but then we learned that many of us are incarnated angels. And now we hear of emanations.

Are there more revelations to come? I don’t mean to have you tip your hand, but just to let us know, are there still more revelations that will come?

DM: The biggest revelation yet to come, for you have unearthed most of the… secrets, but they were never secrets, is when you look at each other and accept each other for who you are; the truth and the wholeness. I have asked you this night, I have solemnly requested that you accept yourself. You cannot love me and not love yourself. But the next step is to love each other. And there is a further step in that, and it is what your philosophers and teachers have always taught you: it is to also reach the point — and you will — where you look at another and you see me, and you see yourself.

Now, that also presupposes that you are feeling safe and secure enough, loved enough, valued enough, that you can allow yourself to be vulnerable, to be seen for who you are and as a reflection of each other and a reflection of us. So it moves you into a place of deep appreciation of the beauty and uniqueness of your divine spark. And… also into a place where the ego is absent, because you are allowing yourself to be present and to see the interconnectedness of all. That is the revelation. It is for you to look and say, “I am angel, I am archangel, I am master, I am human, I am starseed, I am Earthkeeper,” and to know the precious value in each of these areas.

The next step is that appreciation and love for yourself and the elimination of this striving to become. There is a universe of difference between simply journeying, continuing on to your return, ultimately to home, to us, and striving. It is not something that you need to earn, that you need to prove your worth. This is the cancer and anathema of so many of the human race, and this is why I’ve asked for you to accept your might, which is a combination of all Divine Qualities.

So that also will be a next step. Now, you have been diligent — and I commend you — how much you have released the idea and the practice of struggle. But striving is next.

You see, with St. Germaine, Sanat Kumara, we do not teach you to say, “I will be,” we guide you to say, and to know, “I AM.” And when you do this in the fullness, the totality, the wholeness of your being, you are fully connected with us, with the I AM.

Now, will there be surprises, delights, presents, gifts? The answer is yes. We will not be sending any struggle, devastation, your way. So please, do not create it. I am eager, and yes, I can be eager, for I, always, am eternally and infinitely eager and excited to see the fulfillment of a creation. And that is what is occurring upon your beautiful planet, and within each one of you. Please cooperate with me. I will never force; that is not the way of love. But, dear hearts, I will proceed.

SB: Mother, if I can intervene…?

DM: Yes…

SB: The Divine Director, through Tasjeema (?) has said — excuse me — Earth is returning permanently to its original blueprint as one of the 12 sacred planets. What does it mean to be a sacred planet?

DM: All planets are sacred. Let me be… very strong about this statement. There is not any creation that we have birthed that is not sacred. Now, are there places that are holding and whose role has been like Earth’s, like Gaia, to hold a sacred space for spiritual evolution, the anchoring of peace and love, so that it becomes vibrationally a teacher, throughout the multiverse? Yes. That is the sacred mission for Gaia and for everything upon her.

On Earth you have places that you deem or designate as sacred. For some it is a temple or a mosque. For others, it is a place in nature. But you can feel the vibration in these places, that the energy is very loving, supportive, and of a frequency that lifts you up. The plan, which is already well underway, for Gaia is that the entire planet is of this vibration, of what you find pockets of here and there now.

So she returns to her role as a keeper of sacred space, of love. It was always intended that this be my Planet of Love. The magnitude of what can be experienced in the purity of that fulfillment is beyond your imagination. But that doesn’t matter. It encourages you to dream. And you will see it. You will see it in your lifetimes, in your time, and you will come to know just what is possible on one of my sacred planets. But do not differentiate, a teacher, yes, but that would be as if I would say to thee that some of you are sacred and some of you are not. That is not possible. I do not create ‘less thans’.

SB: All right, Mother. Thank you…

DM: Is this clear?

SB: Yes, that’s very clear. And I think we have about two more minutes, so perhaps in the last remaining minutes I can ask you…. There’s an awful lot of firsts that are being talked about. Earth is the first planet to ascend in this current round of physical ascension. It’s a physical ascension, and that’s a first. And I could go on. Given that we’re encountering a lot of firsts, does it follow that the entire course of this Ascension is not known ahead of time, but that there are innovations happening? Let me put it that way.

DM: What you call innovations and what I have called twists and turns, requiring in some situations dispensations… But let me suggest to you, I am fully aware of the outcome of this process. Do I share everything? I do not simply because there are things that you would say, “Mother, could you please speak English or Latin or Greek” because you would not understand the reference points.

Is there latitude in the becoming? Yes, because I will not interfere with your free will. But within that, it is not predestination, it is just that my memory and my knowing goes everywhere — backwards, forwards, what you think of as time. So let me tell you and share with you, and I hope this gives you comfort — the outcome is assured. And it is the return to love. And that is why your heart consciousness has been awakened. It is done. Now, accept it. Explore it. Expand it. And allow.

And go with my love, my blessings, always.

SB: Thank you, Mother. A wonderful discussion this evening. Thank you very much for coming.

DM: Farewell.

SB: Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon 06-17-13